
What a year
A lot.

Sitting here writing this post on page 365 of 365 has made me realise that an actual whole year has passed. That is a lot of time, a lot of time to learn,to grow and experience many things.

The first thing I really learnt this year, is "Carpe diem" - seize the day.

 Looking back has made me realise that I may have missed out on opportunity, simply because I was shy, lazy or procrastinated with what I needed to do. One of the worst feelings is regret; not for what is done, but for what could have been. As much as I have to keep on moving (another thing I've learnt), I do tend to look back for reasons of self evaluation and realise that maybe I could have been better, or different with a little more go and action.

 To balance this out though, I have also told myself that beating yourself up over what is done won't help anyone. I've read that for every minute of sadness, anger, stressing you lose 60 seconds of joy, which is true. As much as sometimes one can't help these emotions, with current retrospect, I've come to realise that maybe there were situations that I could have taken it easier/ been more relaxed.

Thirdly, I've told myself to not assume, and to especially not do so in such a positive manner.

This comes from the unfortunate experiences where I have been let down by people in different cases and ways. Sometimes I feel that I may have high hopes and such a positive mindset that being let down comes more often, but building hope on what isn't certain I feel is more of the problem. High hopes and dreams add drive and motivation to people, so I'm keeping the ambition and working on where I put my trust, hopes and expectations.  I have learned as much as I can hope I have to expect the unexpected, and even the worst. People aren't me, and don't see things or exoect things, or have the same mindset I do so if it doesn't come from me, then I really can't be sure, and that life throws curve balls of misfortune that I'll have to deal with.

I've also opened my eyes to the way people are, the way people and the way people see me. I can't help people's perception of me, but at the same time being aware of what people view can be used to my benefit.

(At this point the bells of Big Ben are ringing, 2015 is here!)

I guess my future hold me trying to find a balance between caring and acting upon it, and not caring and taking people's judgement in my stride.

2014 has taught me a lot of lessons, but 2015 is here and so I feel like I should end this post.

Bring on the new year, bring on 2015!


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