"Want This" Wednesday: Nike Air Max

Recently I have found a few Air Maxs that I would like amongst all those that I dislike. Also, I've made them the 'want' of my post because I haven't got a pair, and I would really like one to add to my footwear and make it whole in some sense.

These are cute. Not to bright to come across as tacky or immature, but not too dull. They would be easy to wear, and add a bit of colour - the colours of which I like quite a bit.
Click to zoom
Again , the colours would be easy to wear, the accent of white and purple is nice and the sole is quite pretty. It brightens the shoe and enhances the whole look.
( http://www.jdsports.co.uk/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?catalogId=10551&storeId=10151&langId=-1&parent_category_rn=&productId=1090199 )


All white shoes would be so nice, although they would get dirty too easily and then irritate me. White is always attractive though, very nice.

Drag to spin
'All black' not only looks nice, but is easy to wear with anything. You can't go wrong with an all black. The reflective thing in the night is just an extra bonus. Any 'All Blacks' would do.

I REALLY want these ones. I've literally been following them for months on Office where I've fantasied and tried to plan how to make the money. They're now almost out of stock and furthermore not in stock in my size in Office any more. Hopefully, I can get them somewhere else and hopefully I raise the money in time.

Outfits with Air Maxs

Outfits like these have persuaded me that these Air Maxs aren't as bad as I thought they were. They can actually look good as I have found below.

Buy me a pair of Air Maxs? Pretty Pretty Please?


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