
I've recently spent a lot of the free time that I use not studying, sleeping, eating (and all of the other essentials, which kind of isn't free time if I'm honest... *1 ) surfing the internet and social networking, particularly on Tumblr. Its a softer blogging medium. Here on blogspot I feel like I have to have a bit more to say,I should plan behind my worlds and I have to think about how I am trying to iterate a point. However, on Tumblr, there seems to be a bit more...freedom, I guess.That may be because I tend to spend my time clicking 'reblog' 'like' and 'follow', rather than making posts like I do here but it is generally a softer medium because of this. I was strolling - or scrolling *2 - through Tumblr one day and I literally stumbled across the most revealing thing about a person I knew in real life, but didn't actually know closely. For the years I've known this person, I've completely misjudged them, not badly or nega...