Halloween and What's what 🎃👻

So it's that time of year again. It's Halloween and I'm at home, sitting, waiting for trick-or-treaters to reject as they come to the door of my home. Several people, shops and even Google recognise the day and many people participate by dressing up, trick-or-treating, having parties or egging civilians in the street. Others hate the day, detest it in the name of God, or just have no reason to like it. But as I sit here, waiting to reject the little children coming to my door, I think to myself "What is Halloween, what are people actually celebrating or detesting?" Google ad many doodles for today. Love Google. And I love their Doodles too. So my research began and I found out a few things about what Halloween really is.* 1 It's actually "All Hallows' Eve", All Hallows' being all saints day celebrated by Christians (particularly Catholics I think) tomorrow. So, technically the day has religious sentiment. With Eastenders beh...